Error Dictionary
These errors occur when the file cannot be parsed due to issues with the header row.
No orders in the file will be processed when this error is encountered.
These errors will be reported in the HTTP response
502 Bad Gateway
{ "error": Message }
Message: Unable to parse the requested file: CSV contains unknown header fields: <comma delimited list of fields>
Condition: This occurs when the ftp placement file includes column names in the 1st row of the file that are not in the list of allowed fields
Allowed fields - expected type:
mp_order_number - string
customer_order_number - string
replaced_mp_order_number - string
marketplace_name - string
marketplace_channel - string
customer_email - string
customer_full_name - string
customer_phone - string
customer_vat - string
purchase_date - string ISO 8601
currency - string ISO 4217
gift_message - string
delivery_notes - string
estimated_ship_date - string ISO 8601
estimated_delivery_date - string ISO 8601
shipping_full_name - string
shipping_address_type - string
shipping_address1 - string
shipping_address2 - string
shipping_address3 - string
shipping_city - string
shipping_state - string ISO 3166-2:US & ISO 3166-2:CA
shipping_postal_code - string
shipping_country_code - string ISO 3166 alpha-2 or alpha-3
shipping_phone - string
paypal_transaction_ids - string
is_amazon_prime - value is either 1 or ""
is_target_two_day - value is either 1 or ""
business_order - value value is either 1 or ""
marketplace_fulfilled - value is either 1 or ""
mp_line_number - string
sku - string
product_name - string
quantity - integer
unit_price - number
sales_tax - number
shipping_method - string
shipping_price - number
shipping_tax - number
discount_name - string (Shopify has a hard limit of 255 characters for this field, value will be truncated if length is exceeded)
discount - number
shipping_discount_name - string
shipping_discount - number
amount_available_for_refund - number
Note: If a field is not a required field, "" is an allowed value.
Message: Unable to parse the requested file: CSV missing required header fields: <comma delimited list of fields>
Condition: This occurs when one or more required fields are missing in the column header row (1st row of the ftp order placement file).
The following fields are required to always be in the header row:
These errors can appear in the results file generated by the ftp_place_orders endpoint
Message: "Line <line_number>: Field <required_field> cannot be empty."
Condition: The following fields must have a value (the value cannot be "")
Message: Line <line_number>: Column count mismatch
Condition: This occurs when the number of columns found for an order's order line does not match the number of columns defined in the header row